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Monday, November 06, 2006

Beasiswa S3-Riset: Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship Application

Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship Application

Get details on how to apply for a Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship.

The Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship Programme recognises and supports exceptional students who show the potential to make an outstanding contribution to science.

The programme supports students in computing and those working at the intersection of computing and the sciences. (For more information, see the list of areas of interests.) Joint applications by two supervisors from different disciplines are encouraged, but not essential.

Eligibility Criteria

We will usually only consider one application per university department or per laboratory of a national research institution.

Applications will only be accepted through a student’s institution, such as from a supervisor or a departmental secretary. We will not accept applications from students directly.

Applications may only be submitted through the online application system.

It is not necessary for the supervisor to have identified a suitable student when applying. However, in case the application is successful, a student will have to be identified by 10 September 2007. Having identified a suitable student will make the case stronger though.

Any student who has been accepted by a university in Europe to start a PhD or who will have completed no more than one year of their PhD by October 2007 is eligible.

Two strong letters of recommendation (in English and preferably not from the supervisor) are required from professors familiar with the student’s work.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted in English and in electronic form only through the online application system at

When a student has already been identified at the time of application, letters of recommendation must be packaged in a single ZIP file and uploaded on the application system..

When a student has not been identified at the time of the application, and if the application is successful, letters of recommendation will be requested at the time an offer is made. Microsoft reserves the right to interview the student.

Applications must be received no later than Wednesday, 28 March 2007 midnight (GMT). Applications must be complete and received by the deadline to be considered. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered.

The information provided in the application will be used for making our decision for the Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship only. We may pass this information to external academic reviewers who have agreed to help us review the applications. All information contained in this application shall be considered by Microsoft to be non-confidential. Universities should not submit information that is confidential, restricted, or sensitive in any way and Microsoft will assume no responsibility for protecting or disclosing any such information, once submitted. Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. For more information, see the full Microsoft Online Privacy Statement..

Applications for PhD scholarships in a university of the Republic of Ireland should be made through the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology as a result of an agreement with them.

Selection Process

Applications are on a competitive basis and we anticipate a high level of demand for scholarships. Following receipt of such applications, each will be carefully reviewed by researchers from universities and from Microsoft Research and the best applicants will be awarded a scholarship.

Decisions will be made solely at the discretion of Microsoft Research and all decisions are final. Typically, proposals will be reviewed by a committee of experts and non-experts.

Awards will be made by 1 July 2007.

The terms of the agreement between successful applicants and their university with Microsoft Research have been developed over the course of the last few years with input from numerous research organisations around Europe to ensure that they are appropriate and equitable.


Each Microsoft scholar will be awarded a bursary of up to 33,000 euros per year up to a maximum of three years. The award will be made automatically the following years after the first one, provided the scholar meets the requirements of the university. In addition, every scholar will receive a laptop with a selection of software applications.

At the end of the first year of their PhD, scholars will be invited to Microsoft Research Cambridge for a summer school that includes a series of talks of academic interest and a poster session, which will give the scholars the opportunity to present their work to Microsoft researchers and a number of Cambridge academics (for example, see the programme of the 2006 Summer School).
At the end of the second year of their PhD, some of the scholars may be offered in Microsoft Research’s sole discretion an internship in one of the Microsoft Research laboratories. Internships will involve working on a project alongside and as part of a team of Microsoft researchers. Students will be paid during their internship on top of their scholarship bursary.

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kategori: beasiswa s3. luar negeri. microsoft. bantuan. dana. riset. kuliah. universitas

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