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Monday, November 06, 2006

Beasiswa S3: BWPI PhD Scholarships 2007/08

Postgraduate Studies
BWPI PhD Scholarships 2007/08

The School of Environment and Development is pleased to announce that the Brooks World Poverty Institute is offering a suite of postgraduate fellowships and scholarships to support PhD students within SED and other schools within the university. The scholarships are designed to support students whose work focuses on any aspect of poverty analysis that has both academic and policy relevance. Candidates with disciplinary backgrounds in any relevant social science subject area are encouraged to apply (anthropology, development studies, economics, geography, planning, politics, sociology).

The topics listed below provide an illustration of areas of work that are of interest to BWPI but potential candidates with other poverty related topics are encouraged to apply:

1. Measuring poverty from income and human development perspectives.
2. Applying different concepts of poverty – what does this tell us?
3. The roles of the state and market in poverty reduction.
4. Why do some poor people stay poor while others escape poverty?
5. Who benefits and who does not from social protection? Why is this the pattern?
6. The theory and practice of empowering poor people.
7. Is economic growth pro-poorest?

It is hoped that the successful candidates will become some of the world’s leading poverty researchers and a key influence on global policy.

The scholarships on offer include:

1. The BWPI Mills-NAFUM PhD Fellowship - Designed to support nationals from the United States to research on poverty and poverty reduction.
2. The BWPI de Silva PhD Scholarship for Sri Lanka - Designed to support Sri Lankan nationals to research poverty and poverty reduction in Sri Lanka.
3. The BWPI Burnell-NAFUM PhD Scholarship in Poverty & the Environment - Designed to support students from non-OECD countries to conduct research on poverty and the environment.
4. BWPI PhD Scholarships - Open to students of all nationalities. Up to four PhD Scholarships available.

Eligibility and application procedure
To be considered for these scholarships, candidates will need to apply to study for a PhD via the normal University process. For more information on this process please visit:

Within SED, the scholarships apply to candidates for all 4 PhD programmes offered by the School:

-PhD in Development Policy and Management (IDPM)
-PhD in Geography
-PhD in Planning
-PhD in Architecture (note: link to external website - Manchester School of Architecture)

To be considered for the BWPI fellowship / scholarships, candidates should write “Brooks World Poverty Institute Scholarship” in the section on the University Application Form titled “Funding” or “Finance”. Candidates will be automatically considered for all of the BWPI scholarships for which they are eligible.

For full information on the application process for the scholarships, please visit:

The deadline for complete applications is 31 January 2007.
Please address any enquires regarding the BWPI Scholarships to putting the words “BWPI Scholarships” as the email subject.

kategori: beasiswa s3. luar negri. bantuan. dana. kuliah. universitas. BWPI.

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