Beasiswa S3 (Ph.D) London, UK: PhD Scholarships Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
PhD Scholarships
We have several EPSRC / College studentships available for students beginning in September of each year. There is always strong competition for these and interested students should apply as early as possible, preferably between January and March. However we accept applications at any time during the year. We also support applications for ORS awards.
Current PhD Scholarships Available for September
The Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London invites applications for research scholarships for new PhD students starting in September. These are available to UK, EU and international students and pay for tuition fees and/or a tax-free maintenance grant of up to £14,300 p.a. for 3 years. The department has research strengths in: logic and semantics, computer vision, risk analysis and decision support, information retrieval and interaction, media and communication. In addition, we especially encourage inter-disciplinary research and there are earmarked studentships for cross-department collaboration. Further information on research in the department may be found at
We also have a special PhD Scholarship available in Verification for Air Traffic Control see
There is no separate scholarship application form. Please apply for a PhD place in the normal way as described on the postgraduate section on the College website, and indicate on the form that you wish to be considered for a scholarship.
Informal applications by email or enquiries may be submitted to the PhD admissions secretary:
Ms Rupal Vaja
Ms Rupal Vaja
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 5225
Fax: +44 (0) 208 980 6533